Apigenin is a color compound that naturally occurs in plants. It can be found in fruits and vegetables, such as: parsley, onions, oranges, tea, chamomile, wheat sprouts and some seasonings. Outside of its biological effects, it is a yellow crystalline that is typically used to dye garments.
Its effects on animals have been thoroughly studied, while its effects on humans are unknown. However, apigenin has anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, and antioxidant properties that help combat the development of cancer.
1) Apigenin Decreases Inflammation
2) Apigenin May Help Prevent Cancer
3) Apigenin Has Anti-Obesity Properties
4) Apigenin is Neuroprotective
5) Apigenin May Help Mood and Brain Function
6) Apigenin May Lower Cortisol
7) Apigenin Reduces Blood Sugar Levels
8) Apigenin Improves Bone Healing
9) Apigenin Helps Your Skin
10) Apigenin Protects the Heart
11) Apigenin May Promote Sleep
Negative Effects of Apigenin
1) Apigenin Can Be Toxic
While there has not been a toxic level identified in humans, researchers have found that at 100mg/kg, apigenin can become toxic in rats. Too much exposure to apigenin can lead to liver damage (R).
2) Apigenin Interacts Negatively with Hormone Replacement Medicine
Apigenin can change the levels of estrogen in the body. MPA is for post-menopausal women’s hormone replacement. MPA and apigenin can interact to increase tumors and cause breast cancer (R).